Friday, June 19, 2020

Greeting People In Germany: A Quick Lesson For Immigrants

Living in a new country would mean having new adventures and enjoying the new surroundings that would be available there. It means having to adjust to everything as they will all be definitely different from the country of origin that a person may have come from. And in the case of immigrants who are in Germany, one of the many things that they need to learn would be the language.

German is the language spoken in the country and the locals are very proud of their language. While in other countries, English is the best language to use, in Germany, it is all about German. The locals know how to speak German quite well and one can find only a few who can speak English well. As new people in the country, immigrants have to be the ones to adjust and not the other way around.

One of the basic things that an immigrant in Germany has to learn is to know how to greet the locals. It is a great way to make a great impression from the locals. Plus, meeting people will definitely not be avoided so greeting them properly is the best way to go. The phrases for greeting Germans are quite simple. Here are some of them.


This greeting means “Hello”. It can be used any time of the day that you wish to greet someone in Germany.

Hallo, wie geht’s?

This greeting means “Hello. How are you?” Immigrants can use this when they would like to ask someone how they have been.

Guten morgen.

This greeting means “Good morning”. This is used to greet other people in the morning.

Guten tag.

This greeting means “good day” literally. However, if used to greet people in Germany, it is usually used to mean “Good afternoon”.

Guten abend.

This greeting means “Good evening” and it is used to greet other people at night.

Gute nacht.

This greeting is used to tell someone “Good night”. Usually, it is used to greet someone before they go to sleep.

Vielen dank.

This is a quick phrase which means “Thank you very much”.

Ich danke ihnen auch.

This actually means “Thank you, too”. It is often used as a reply when some other person tells them “Thank you.”

Tschüss, bis zum nächsten mal.

This sentence means “Goodbye. See you next time.” It is a great sentence to use at the end of a conversation with someone in Germany.

Schönes Wetter heute, nicht wahr?

They say that the weather is a really great conversation starter. So for immigrants in Germany who may want to strike a conversation with a local, using this sentence can be a good way to do that. This actually means “The weather is lovely today, isn’t it?”

Convenience is on your side by choosing the best program from Global Visa Support which you can access right here so you can move to Germany as soon as possible:

For more details on moving to Germany, contact Global Visa Support:

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