Friday, August 2, 2019

Silly Names, Politeness, And Queueing: Quirks In The United Kingdom That Immigrants Need To Know About

Thousands of individuals are vying to make their way to the United Kingdom each year. The government is receiving thousands of applications monthly and that reflects just how many people around the world are interested in making it to the UK as immigrants.

Those who are interested in being an immigrant in the United Kingdom is definitely not few and it is important for them that they understand that they need to learn about some of the quirks that the country has. After all, being an immigrant is definitely not like being a tourist – they have to live in the country for quite some time and thus, they need to learn how it is to live in the country. They have to adapt well there since it would be their new home for a certain period.

So without much further ado, here are three quirks in the UK that immigrants need to know about. These may come useful when interacting with Brits or just something that they can use so that they would not be surprised when they are already in the country.

Silly names of places

For those who are not from the United Kingdom, a good number of places there will have people guffawing. See, some places come with silly names – like they were named in jest. For example, in Hertfordshire, there is a place known as Boggy Bottom. Travel to Orkney and there is a place named Twatt. In South Lancashire, there is a place known as Nob End. In Dorset, Scratchy Bottom is a legit place. There is also a Crotch Crescent in Oxford. These are just a few of the silly names of places in the UK that immigrants may find amusing.

Being polite can get excessive

There may be some immigrants who are used to having confrontations with people. They will be disappointed in the UK. The people here are known to be excessively polite. The word ‘sorry’ is commonly used. It may be a simple bumping into another person or just stepping out of line for a bit. Those would bring people in the UK to start apologizing. Apologizing is not bad – there is just an excess of this in the UK.

The need to queue

For immigrants who are not fans of standing in line, then they should start adjusting if they are to live in the United Kingdom. The need to queue is basic in them. They will establish order and they will stand in line to do so especially if they are waiting for something. There is no need to tell people to stand in line – they will do it on their own. Oh, and cutting in line is simply not acceptable.

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