Before jumping on an airplane to be able to
get to the United Kingdom, immigrants in the country are saying that it is
essential for the newcomers to know more about the country that they would soon
be living in. Armed with information, a newcomer will be able to adapt rather
quickly to their new surroundings and be able to learn just how to move about
there. Sometimes, culture shock can really be a difficult thing to handle and
that is why to know more about the place would be a really big help.
Each country has its own quirks and
weirdness. And in the case of the United Kingdom, previous immigrants are more
than ready to help. This is why they have shared some important information
(and quirks!) on just what a newcomer to the country should know.
class is a big thing
It is important to understand that social
class is a big thing in the country. Social class basically is some kind of
division that a society or a community has. This is usually based on a person’s
economic status or a person’s social status. Though there are countries that
may really put much importance on social class, the United Kingdom also takes
this to be a big thing. Britons are quite known to be really quite conscious
about a person’s class. They may have a different reaction to a person who may
hold a different accent or may look different in terms of race. But, keep in
mind, that this is not entirely a negative thing as there are a lot of Brits
who would like to learn more about a person who may be different than most.
how to do social drinking
There are different ways people actually
spend their spare time. In the case of the United Kingdom, this country really
loves social drinking. So for those immigrants who are into drinking, this just
may be the place for them. There are plenty of different drinks to try out here
so the first time to try out social drinking just may be quite the adventure.
A lot of Britons really love to get a drink
or two after work before heading home. This is not an extraordinary thing as
one can find quite a big amount of people in the country doing so.
walk to school alone
While some countries make sure that
children go to school with adults with them, children in the United Kingdom can
actually go to school alone. Immigrants may be surprised by this but it is a
usual thing in the country. These children usually walk to school on their own.
There is rarely a bus to take them to school or parents dropping them off to
Amazing plans to move to the United Kingdom
can become reality with the help of Global Visa Support programs: http://globalvisasupport.com/uk.html.
Sensational help to move to the UK is
definitely yours if you schedule that appointment with Global Visa Support
today: http://www.globalvisasupport.com/contacts.html.