Thursday, February 3, 2022

OPT Vs. CPT: A Guide For Immigrant Students In The United States of America

Immigrant students who have chosen to take their education in the United States of America chose the country not just because it is one of the most popular countries in the world but also because of the quality of education that it offers. It is amazing just how many immigrant students make it to the country each year in the hopes of getting the education that they want or they need. The United States of America has also been open to this group of immigrants and has helped them adapt better.


For immigrant students in the US, they feel lucky to actually make it to the country. Their main goal is to actually learn what they need to learn while they are there. However, it is important to note that learning does not just happen within the four walls of the classroom. Learning also happens when people actually put into practice the theories that they have learned in the classroom. With that, immigrant students are more than happy to know that getting work experience while they are still studying is something that is allowed in the country.


Two programs allow them to do such and these are the Optional Practical Training (OPT) and the Curricular Practical Training (CPT). It is important to note that these allows immigrant students to get work experience but these come with limitations. They can take advantage of these program after they have completed their very first academic year.


What is the Optional Practical Training (OPT)?


This program allows immigrant students holding an F-1 visa to go and work for a maximum of 12 months in an industry that is related to their study focus. This can be completed before or even after the completion of their studies. Students who have finished their programs in the United States of America under STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) are eligible to have an extension for 17 months to complete their OPT. By May 10, immigrant students can apply for an extension of 24 months and this will be replacing the extension for 17 months.


What is the Curricular Practical Training (CPT)?


This program allows immigrant students to have practical experience temporarily and that experience must be directly related to their area of study. The experience must be via employment, cooperative education, or paid or unpaid internships. It must also be part of the established curriculum. This program must be completed before the student graduates. Immigrant students in the USA can do this part-time or even full-time. It is also important to note that this program should be a requirement by the education program that the student is taking and they should get course credit for this. There are only specified employers who can be part of the CPT.




New programs on moving to the United States of America can be accessed right here at Global Visa Support:


Today is the best time to schedule an appointment with the Global Visa Support team to get help on moving to the USA:

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