Friday, May 14, 2021

Slang And Lingo In Canada: A Quick Yet Helpful Guide For Immigrants And Would-Be Immigrants

While a lot of people may think that to be in Canada means not having to learn any other language or way of communication, then they have to change that thought. This country in North America does not only speak English but it also has French as a major language. Yes, a part of Canada speaks French and it would be a great thing for immigrants who already know how to speak this language.


Well, French should really not be much of a problem as the people who live in Canada actually can speak English pretty well. That is why immigrants who may have chosen this country over any other country out there really do not have a hard time adjusting in terms of communication since many of them already know how to speak and understand English well. But what immigrants and would-be immigrants in Canada need to know is that there are still slang and lingo in Canada that newcomers need to understand and learn. Here are some of those.




If there is a commotion or some fuss, then ‘kerfuffle’ is the term to use. This is usually because of some disagreement or some difference in people’s opinion.


When that photo went viral, there surely was a kerfuffle on what color it was. Pink? Green? Gray? It still stumps me up to this time.




In lingo used in Canada, ‘stag’ actually refers to a bachelor party. It is a man who would be getting married soon have a night off with the boys and have a party. ‘Stagette’ actually refers to a bride’s version of the ‘stag’.


Sarah thought that her fiancé was not going to have a stag. It was a good thing that his friends had planned a surprise stag for him. He would’ve been disappointed if he didn’t get one!




‘Runners’ can mean a lot of different things. But in Canada, this lingo actually refers to shoes meant for running. They are also called ‘street shoes’.


It was a good thing I brought my runners today. I didn’t expect that the gang would go get some exercise. That never happens!




This is an expression that is often used to describe something that a person has done quite well. Or it could also refer to a person who is quite great.


Courtney saw her mom being quite tired the past few days she decided to help out. She took the garbage out, cleaned the house, and cooked some dinner. Her mom thought her daughter’s a beauty.


Pencil crayons


In Canada, pencil crayons actually are colored pencils.


Shelly’s son’s eyes popped out in happiness when surprised with a huge box of pencil crayons. He had been wanting this for so long!




Endorsed by the successful individuals who became immigrants in Canada, the programs offered by Global Visa Support are designed to help you do just that:


Secure your spot in Canada by contacting Global Visa Support today and get professional help from its in-house immigration consultant on becoming an immigrant in the country:

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