Friday, July 9, 2021

Gestures That Immigrants In Canada May Want To Avoid

While there are gestures that do not really mean anything wrong in some countries can actually be offensive in other countries. This is why it is important for people who are interested in becoming immigrants in a new country like Canada should learn about them so that they can be prepared and not end up in some kind of brawl or fight or argument just because they used a gesture that they thought was safe to use.


Keep in mind though that there may be offensive gestures in Canada but this does not mean that there are a lot of such in the country. There are just some that are deemed to be offensive or obscene and so people especially newcomers to the country like immigrants should be aware and avoid them. After all, knowledge is power and knowing what to avoid so as to stay away from any kind of trouble is definitely going to be a great blessing.


So what are the common gestures in Canada that immigrants may want to avoid? Read on and find out.


Raising the middle finger


Even in other countries, raising the middle finger has a negative connotation. This is the same in Canada. It is a really strong gesture that shows off anger and frustration for another person. People often use this when they are driving and someone is not properly following traffic rules.


Making a thumbs down


This gesture is quite mild in terms of being a negative gesture and it usually shows disapproval.


Putting the elbows on top of the table while still eating


When dining in Canada in a setting that is more formal, putting one’s elbows on the table while they are all still eating is considered to be a rude type of gesture. However, in more casual settings, doing this is really not that rude.


Having an open mouth while eating or talking while one’s mouth is full


This is common etiquette in Canada that people should not have an open mouth while eating or while chewing. It is also not a good idea to talk while their mouth is still full. By doing so, the other people who may be looking can consider such gestures or manners to be quite gross.


Yawning without covering it


If one yawns and that yawn is not covered by the yawner with his or her hand or something else, then it is considered to be a rude gesture.


Directly pointing at strangers or staring at them


While there are countries where pointing at strangers is just an okay thing to do, this is not the case in Canada. directly pointing at strangers or staring at strangers is a rude gesture. It is even considered to be a type of leering or ogling, and these are definitely not good behavior.




Do not hesitate to browse through the programs offered by Global Visa Support to find the one that would help you become an immigrant in Canada:


Get detailed assistance on becoming an immigrant in Canada from Global Visa Support and its in-house immigration consultant:

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