Friday, June 3, 2022

A Quick Guide For Immigrants On Getting A Citizenship From Canada

Each year, thousands and thousands of individuals do their very best to move to Canada as immigrants. These individuals have various reasons for doing so. The main reasons usually are to study in Canada, to work there, and to be reunited with their families who are already in the country. A good portion of them usually go back to their home country after they have done their purpose there. On the other hand, there is a handful of immigrants who choose to work hard towards getting a citizenship in the country when they are already eligible to do so.


For a lot of people, to have a citizenship in this beautiful country is a big thing and is very important. For most of these people who wish to become citizens of Canada, it is a way for them to actually live a better life than the one that they left behind in their home country.


How does one become a citizen of Canada?


It is through the Canadian Citizenship Act that a lot of immigrants become citizens. This act became effective starting January 1, 1947. And through the years, this act has gotten through some amendments that reflect the values of Canada which is proudly a society that is multicultural. In recent years, another change has happened in the way citizenships are awarded. A good example would be the pandemic which made the government of Canada choose to do the ceremonies virtually as a way of following the health protocols.


Sean Fraser, the Immigration Minister of Canada, has also disclosed that the changes in recent years have been done to ensure that the country is becoming more inclusive. The country has enjoyed a reputation of being a nation that knows how to celebrate differences. With each year, there is always growth and the amendments to the Citizenship Act are reflections of the values of Canada and focuses on the promotion of inclusion.


What citizens enjoy


Being a citizen of Canada is not all just about having the proper documentation and being called such. It does come with responsibilities but are worth doing given the things that they can enjoy. Citizens of Canada get to enjoy a good amount of privileges that not even permanent residents can. Those with citizenships can vote and choose the country’s next leaders. They also have their own Canadian passport. There are also job opportunities that only citizens of the country can have.


To become a citizen, one must first ensure that they are able to get a permanent residency visa. They should also meet the residency requirement of Canada, which is to be present in the country for at least 1,095 in the last five years before applying for citizenship.




Improve your chances of becoming an immigrant in Canada by finding the best program for you here at Global Visa Support:


Try to get expert assistance on becoming an immigrant in Canada by scheduling your appointment with the in-house immigration consultant here at Global Visa Support:

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