Monday, October 24, 2022

Study Finds Out The Common Traits That Successful Immigrants In Canada Have

When people choose to be immigrants, it is highly likely that they would like to move to a new country where they can live a better life than the one that they are going to be leaving behind. They would choose a place where they could find a lot of new opportunities or a country where they could create a new path that would lead them to success. One of the most popular countries that immigrants choose to live in is Canada and it is not surprising why. The country is known for being open to immigrants and also offers a wide range of opportunities for those who may be looking for such.


Many immigrants who have chosen to move to Canada have become successful in their own right. This, of course, is not because of luck or fate but because it was definitely something that they really worked hard for. A study from Statistics Canada has seen just what factors made them successful, and it was also able to find out the common traits that successful immigrants have.


The study that was done


The study done by Statistics Canada looked at the group of immigrants that arrived in the country from 2005 to 2015. It also looked into the earnings of these immigrants from 2006 to 2017. Furthermore, Statistics Canada checked out the characteristics of the immigrants when they first arrived in the country and which traits seemed like good factors that predicted their earnings in Canada for the short term (which was one to two years), for medium term (which was five to six years), and long term (which was for 10 to 11 years).


The factors


As per the results of the study, there were main factors that had a great impact on the earnings for the short-term of new immigrants in Canada. The strongest one was their work experience before arriving in the country. Each year that these immigrants have work experience in the country brought about an increase of 84% in their earnings. Another factor was their language skills. Those whose mother tongue was not English or French (but still spoke English) were able to earn 29% less compared to those who had these languages are their mother tongue. Education also is a main factor in the success that an immigrant can achieve in Canada. Those who have a Bachelor’s degree (which is around 15 years of schooling) have earned 12% to 24% more than those who did not.


More data from the study


As for the medium term, the factors still affect immigrants’ earnings. The biggest predictor is work experience, where each year of experience working in Canada brought in about a 52% to 59% increase. Those whose mother tongue was English or French were able to earn 42% more. Education is also a big factor for immigrants in Canada since those with Bachelor’s degrees were able to earn 14% to 21% more than those who didn’t.




Exclusive programs from Global Visa Support can help you become an immigrant in Canada:


More help on becoming an immigrant in Canada is available at Global Visa Support and its in-house immigration consultant:

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