Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Immigrants Are Surprised Upon Encountering Kina, A Unique Delicacy Of New Zealand

It is not a secret that New Zealand is a nation that has kept nature pristine, and that includes both land and water. That is why this country has plenty of sources of food, which can be harvested straight from nature. Immigrants are happy to be in the country, knowing that they have access to some of the freshest food in the market. And with some of the freshest ingredients, people in New Zealand actually have become quite creative and put together some of the most interesting dishes.


Those who are quite adventurous when it comes to their food can definitely find New Zealand to be a haven. The country’s culinary scene has been influenced by many different cultures including Maori, European, Asian, and Pacific Island, thus leading to some of the best dishes one can find. It is also important to note that the locals try to use as much fresh produce as possible, and that includes Kina.


What is kina?


Kina is a sea urchin and it is endemic to the country. The biggest diameter that it can grow into would be around 16 cm to 17 cm. While some people may see sea urchins as simply sea creatures, for the people in New Zealand, this specific sea urchin is actually food. The Maori have been eating this animal even before the Europeans did. Many people have even started to want to have kina since 1986, it has been fished for commercial purposes. Of course, it is important for the people of New Zealand to protect kina so commercial fishing of kina can be done in small amounts only, and can be done only in some areas.


How is kina eaten?


The roe, or the eggs, of the kina can be eaten by scooping it out using a knife or a spoon. However, the traditional way to get the roe would be to crack the kina open using a rock, and then just scooping out the eggs using the hand. To eat the meat of the kina, the edible parts must be taken out of the urchin itself. Then, these should be cleaned well. It can be eaten raw, and many people in New Zealand love raw kina.


Of course, there are many other ways that kina is prepared and served. In fact, people have created various dishes that make use of this sea urchin as a main ingredient. One of these is kina sushi rolls. Other dishes also include kina pasta, kina omelette, kina sashimi, kina seafood chowder, kina butter, kina mornay, kina pate, kina salad, and kina tempura. What is important is that the kina used is fresh to ensure that one gets the best flavor out of it.




For you to know how to move to New Zealand as soon as possible, check out the programs offered by Global Visa Support that can help you do that:


The team at Global Visa Support can’t wait to hear from you. Contact them today and schedule your appointment with them to get help on moving to NZ:

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