Monday, November 28, 2022

Paying The Bills, And Other Things: An Immigrant’s Guide To Culture In The United States Of America

It is really exciting to become an immigrant in an amazing country like the United States of America. That is why each year, many people do their best to be able to make that big leap. In preparation for that move, immigrants try to learn as much as they can about the country and its people so that they will be ready when they arrive there. It is a good thing that there are good resources such as this one that would help immigrants who have chosen to live in the United States of America.


The culture of the USA has been highlighted in many TV shows and movies. Some of the most common things in the country include the following. May these guide new immigrants and help them adapt better to the USA.


Going Dutch.


Going Dutch does not mean embracing the Dutch culture. In the USA, it simply means that when a group of friends go to a restaurant, they pay their own share. Sometimes, they would split the bill. This is why some people would not agree to eating out especially if they do not have enough budget for that.


Turning off the TV.


When guests come over, people would usually turn off the TV so that they can focus better on their guests. If there is music, it is adjusted so that it is not too loud that it would interfere with their conversation.


Having parties.


Parties are common in the United States of America. The Americans have such for many different reasons. One of those reasons is the chance to be with friends, or even meet new people. However, unlike how things are depicted in pop culture, a usual party in the USA does not involve loud music and lots of dancing.


Meeting Americans.


When an immigrant meets an American, it is important that they look them straight in the eye. It is also important to smile while shaking hands with them. This would show them that they are interested and glad to meet them.


Making small talk.


Small talk is usually used before an actual conversation happens. Some of the common questions asked include, “How are you?”, “What do you do?”, and “How have you been doing?” It is the Americans’ way of breaking the ice and also getting to know the other person more.  


Gift registry.


While the gift registry is not that popular in many countries, it is a big thing in the USA. People usually have a gift registry when they would be having a wedding, or a shower. This gives guests a chance to have options on what to give as a gift. It would also allow the people having the celebration to get the gifts that they want to have. A gift registry is also good for guests because they do not have to rack their brains what to get as a gift, and it also helps avoid duplicates.




There is no risk when you choose to use a program offered by Global Visa Support on moving to the United States of America:


Official and expert help on moving to the USA can be yours by simply contacting Global Visa Support today:

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